We Are Helping

Millions of Hardworking Ex-Pats

With Our Extraordinary Services.
fast money transfer services to send money
  • Customers
    calcolator icon


  • Active Countries
    remit choice send money home sending and reciving countries


  • Payout Location
    worldwide funds transfer with remit choice send money abroad


  • Employees
    employess working in remit choice money transfer



  • payment method cash pickup

    Cash Pickup

  • payment method bank transfer

    Bank Transfer

  • worldwide currency exchange rate

    Mobile Wallet

  • online bill payments check

    Bill Payment

We come with the motive to serve millions of overseas settlers who face many hurdles on daily basis. Their sacrifices of staying away from families must be acknowledged and for that, we are providing a smooth platform for any financial transaction. Our focus is to transform the monopoly in the industry and serve ex-pats with highly competitive customer-oriented services.

And to achieve the mission our hardworking team is united to ensure the credibility of the promise of sending money at any time and anywhere according to the customer’s desire.

Remit choice working hard to deliver the promise of extraordinary services and adopting only those strategies which are rightly according to the preferences of customers. The inside-outside culture of the company is stick with facilitating customers and enhancement of the services as and when required with latest updates. We believe our customer oriented services are beneficial for ex-pats and will improve the living standards of overseas and their loved-ones across the globe. 


Our vision is to become the first choice of people for sending money across the globe with an unwavering commitment to serve back communities


Remit Choice is incepted by a group of seasoned professionals who revolutionized the world of remittance with their technopreneurial prowess. The team is working hard to challenge the usual monopolistic remittance process in the market. The focus of the group is to adopt only those policies which are directly in relation to the expectations and betterment of ex-pats and their loved ones.

  • Ansab Rizwan CEO at remit choice money transfer

    Ansab Rizwan


  • Habibullah COO at remit choice money transfer

    Habib Ullah


  • Danish Azeem CRO at remit choice money transfer

    Danish Azeem


  • Ahtisham Zaheer CCO at remit choice money Transfer

    Ahtisham Zaheer
